We mainly use Icelandic horses to ride. Icelandics are easy to maintain and can withstand the harsh winters here in the Czech Republic. They are also able to ride well in the mountains. The horses are small and sturdy and can therefore handle the work perfectly.
Below are the horses we use for rides:
Rinda frá Breidablik
Rinda is an older mare that we only use for short rides and for children. She also gave some nice foals.
Saela frá Skjalaritara
In 2009 we bought Saela to enlarge our herd. She is a good mother and very nice to ride. Saela is only used for small trail rides and lessons.
Kátur frá Breidablik
Kátur (pronounced Kauter) is a strong horse.He may react a little more nervous, although there is no harm in it.He is the leader of the herd, so a heavy job rests on his shoulders.
Kjói frá Breidablik
Kjói (pronounced Kjowie), we call him our pony. He has a beautiful trot and loves eating grass during the ride, so a little bit naughty he is.
Kjáni frá Breidablik
Kjáni (pronounced Kjauni) is a sweet horse and definitely suitable for beginners and people who are a little scared to sit on the back of a horse. Kjáni has a very easy tölt.
Gáta frá Skjalaritara
Gáta (pronounced Kauta) has had four foals and at the moment she is pregnant again.She gives beautiful big foals, which is why we already have a few foals from her. Under the saddle she is good and quite brave.
Elja is a daughter of Rinda and has had two nice foals.She is well-behaved, but sometimes a bit pushy. She is a nice horse to ride. So we are happy with her.
Djarfur is the first son of our stallion Baldi.He is therefore a bit of our pride.Djarfur is good, but he likes to make his own plans now and then.He tölt very easy and that is actually what we really want.
Lukka is not very big, but she is strong and has a mind of her own.She does her best under the saddle.She likes trail rides.
Gjöf frá Ludvíksstödum
Gjöf (pronounce as Kjuf) is not that big, but when you sit on her you don’t notice it.She walks on tirelessly.Her preferred gait is tölt, but she can also go in trot.
Glaesir frá Ludvíksstödum
Glaesir took also rides with guests for the first time this year. Glaesir is a full brother of Djarfur. So far, he’s cool in the head and easy to ride. We are curious how he will develop further.
Tindra frá Ludvíksstödum
Tindra is a beautiful sturdy black mare.Tindra is a very nice horse to ride with beautiful and well separated gaits.She is very sensitive in her mouth, which is why we do not use her for beginners or young children.
Tjara frá Ludvíksstödum
Tjara is a sweet and well-behaved mare.She is very suitable for beginners and children, but she is also very fun to ride by advanced riders.She has an easy to ride tölt.
Sigrún frá Ludvíksstödum
Sigrún is not very big, but she is strong.She is sweet, well-behaved and nice to ride.She really enjoys riding outside.Her preferred gait is tölt.Trotting is still a bit difficult for her.
Myrkur frá Ludvíksstödum
Myrkur is a sweet gelding.He will also be used with guests for the first time this summer.We are curious how he will behave during the trail rides.So far he is very well behaved and nice to ride.
Barátta frá Ludvíksstödum
Barátta will be used with guests for the first time this summer.So far she has been very well behaved.She doesn’t make one wrong step.She is a good addition to our riding horses.